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Give It All Up for Good


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This song has a lot to vent. It starts with a lament about real-life isolation caused by too many hours online--the social consequences of social media: "Nobody knows how to talk to each other these days." It then borrows the language of the internet to mourn these developments: "Everywhere I look now, everything is FAILING into place," before finally screaming, "Everyone around me, everyone is going INANE." This is the flipside to the movie star who goes onto a talk show to boast that, when life knocked him down, he realized he had to pick himself up, dust himself off and get back on that horse. This song concedes that, sometimes, all you want to do is pick yourself up, dust yourself off…and give it all up for good.


Nobody knows how to talk to each other these daze
I said nobody knows how to talk to each these daze

Everywhere where I look now, everything is failing into place
Yeah, everywhere where I look now, everything is failing into place

Everyone around me, everyone is going inane
I tell you, everyone around me, everyone is going inane

Chorus: Give it all up for good

Let me tell ya this, now, love is the sweatiest thing
Don't say I didn't warn ya: love is the sweatiest thing

Chorus: Give it all up for good

If you get down when you look around
And hear lame sounds all around town
Just pick yourself up…and dust yourself off
When you get intensely upset
by the set that bets against you when you haven't even met 'em yet
Just pick yourself up…and dust yourself off
And give it all up for good!


from DANCE SCANDAL AT THE GYMNASIUM!, released March 23, 2018
Piano and Mellotron samples - Johnny Iguana
Lead vocal - Berit Ulseth
Backup vocal - Johnny Iguana and Zach Verdoorn
Bass and Bass VI - Zach Verdoorn
Drums - Matthew Torre
Clapping - Matthew Torre, Berit Ulseth, Johnny Iguana and Zach Verdoorn
Percussion - Mark Neill


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The Claudettes Chicago, Illinois

The Claudettes fuse Windy City piano blues with the full-throttle energy of rockabilly and punk, jazz-age echoes of burlesque and vaudeville and the sultriness of '60s pop-soul to write a thrilling new chapter in American roots music. Johnny Iguana (ex-Junior Wells/Otis Rush/oh my god) works the piano alongside singer Berit Ulseth, bassist/singer Zach Verdoorn and drummer Matt Torre. ... more

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