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from Plays with Fire by Cloud

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00:00 / 03:43


Listen to Francisco Bley's cover of "Heartfluttered" -


of course your heart fluttered
she is everything you need
if she’s your true love
let her be

now down in the valley
we are anxious for your way
with a hope that a spell
it breaks

well yes you are fucked up
you may always be this way
but the trick is to know
when it’s okay

and now you are naked
and you’re shaking like a kid
and she asks, “if you’ve ever done this?”
you say you did

and no it doesn’t matter
oh, what ever could that mean?
but in that grand lack
you are free

and now’s your big moment
as she’s taking off her dress
it’s your chance to perpetuate the human race!


from Plays with Fire, released March 9, 2018
Robbie Prisco bass
Jon Davies guitar solo
Mike Fiore additional vox
Samira Winter backup vox
Ena Alvarado backup vox
Greg Salwen backup vox
Ken Korb backup vox
Brendan Mattox backup vox


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Cloud Los Angeles, California

Tyler Taormina + Friends = Cloud.

LA via Boston via Long Island. Profile photo by Carson Lund.

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