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I am Born From a Star

from Ancient Shadows of Saturn by Lumnos

00:00 / 12:09
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I'm in a cosmic limbo
There's no answer, there's no escape
You won't rest until you die
I'll sink through my fade

Where I will go
What will I find
When pain gets too real
You simply can't hide

I'm just an energy now
I'm the endless light
The silence you know
Will never keep quiet

What I'll become
Where I will rest
Death only knows
Life only lies

Don't help me understand
Why I'm still alive
Our sense is too strong at this side
To keep fighting this hard

Fading through the cosmic dust
Watching the time expand
Singularity is my home(I'm lost)
Ethereal voices will guide me till the end

When the will goes away
When thoughts come to life
You listen to all the words
Your conscience can find

Now I'm just cosmic dust
I'm crossing all barrers of mind
Leaving this plan
My voice will be forever quite


from Ancient Shadows of Saturn, released February 8, 2018


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Lumnos Brazil

one-man band.

celestial, blackgaze ethereal.

Laurent - All Instruments. 2015-present.

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