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from raw navel by Pink Navel

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this morning like most i took off my shirt in the bathroom
noticed navels navel raw,
needed paint.
wore nylons to cvs,
bought the pink
in a water bottle favorite brand.

favorite shade.
navels navel painted fresh again
but knows the washing off is
knows that painting pink
is optional and

i can flip sample
attack hits
and rap with
accents that laps gives.

but when instrumentals attack them,
know how closing app happens
navel master of cracking hard drives.
fine cause next beat better
chose pink for the mix.

favorite sounds.
navels noodles hot and breathing,
but knows it’ll cool
in the car and at the function.
knows that choosing pink
is optional
and sacred.

drive long,
nights far cause seasons shift
the time too.
my time to think.
and when red lights turn pink
i know headspace is limited
focus on getting intimate
in the window of then
that is now only through pink ink pen.

favorite share.
navels notebook scrawled front back
sideways and scratched
when the mind hates.
but when cleared,
pink appears
and knows that there is the permanence
where pink is no choice
but a change in natural perseverance

navels navel raw
but noticed pink stayed strongly.
wore nylons to cvs,
bought a fresh bottled water
clear so when saw through,
the navel pink exalts new.


from raw navel, released January 1, 2017


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devin music Boston, Massachusetts

living human

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