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had my eyes closed
sitting on the front porch waiting
for you to come home
listening to our neighbors fight
and some kids playing down the street
this is the kind of place we talked
about getting when we were teenagers
so desperate to get away from our parents
we made plans
i was in an emo band
emo was the shit back then
i was gonna be in a band and you were
gonna be this artist and we'd create
around each other
i still remember the drawing you gave me
from when we were first dating
it was a tree from one of your mom's
old pictures that you cut up at odd angles
and had a different frame for each piece
it turns out i couldn't play very well
and i'm not particularly clever writer
the band never went anywhere
your paintings just ended up in a closet
i was answering phones at an insurance agency
you were working in the fragrance department
of the mall and you always walked in
smelling of something different
when you came up to me i smelled honeysuckle
you leaned over and you kissed the top of my head
and asked  "what's up?"
i smiled at you and said nothing
i held your hand and stopped you in your tracks
i said nothing at all


from A History, In Boxes, released August 18, 2017


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William Ryan Fritch California

William Ryan Fritch is a composer, songwriter, multi-instrumentalist and producer currently based in Oakland, California. His compositions are characterized by his unique range as a multi-instrumentalist and audio engineer, allowing him to realize large ensemble arrangements found in folk, Indie-rock, electronica,
Hip-hop, World and orchestral music as a solo endeavor.
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