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by bellwire

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Hats off to the Everly Brothers, Elio DeLuca, and Jonee Earthquake.


Hate to be so late, pops.
I'm just a little afraid of hard work,
otherwise I'd be here.

I mean first thing--every morning--
hell I'd even sleep here.
That's not a bad idea, neither,
cuz I've been evicted.

Oh I love sleeping in.
Once I start slippin...
you couldn't know where I go when I'm

Dream, dream, dream.

When we kiss the plastic
in our sunglasses click
together like claws.

I know you're thinking crazy thoughts:
bikini wax the dog,
put cocktail nurses 'round our baby.

Oh Kate. Katie, listen.
It's okay to hate yourself sometimes.
You just can't do it all the time
because you know where that'll get you

and look. I know I'm buttin' in
and you seem fine––
honest, you do. But it'd be my
honor to hold your Vicodin
while you get this figured out

and listen. Look. Believe me.
Katie, believe me.
Admit it. Sometimes you don't


Dream, dream, dream.

(Thanks, girls.)

That's what I know.
That's what I wanna know.
I wanna listen to what you dream.

And I wanna hold you.
And I wanna hold your Vicodin.


released June 15, 2017
Tyler Berd: Vocals
Elio DeLuca: Piano, Shaker
Jonee Earthquake: Pedal Steel
Matt Freake: Percussion
Jack Holland: Bass
Mike Holland: Guitar
Natalie Kovalick: Vocals
Caitlyn O'Brien: Vocals

Recorded & mixed by Elio DeLuca at the Soul Shop, Medford MA
Mastered by TW Walsh
Produced by Bellwire and Elio DeLuca

Art by Tyler Berd


all rights reserved




Tyler Berd - Vocals, bass

Jake McKelvie - Guitar

Jeff Walsh - Drums

Jonee Earthquake - Pedal Steel

Music by Ty and Mike Holland

LP out 10/31
... more


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