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Ode To Vic Chesnutt

from Evolutionary War by Ruby Force

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Ode To Vic Chesnutt
I woke up, howling at the dawn
Restless as my wanderin’ eyes awakened
It’s not enough, to make what you want from dreams
Because all such things are likely to be shaken

Ooo, ooo life, spinning like a wheel
Ooo, ooo life, and the pain is real

I saw him there, fixed upon the mount’
Shinnin’ like the noon-day sun was burnin’
So I threw my cares and all my earthly doubt
Upon that hill to have him lift my burden

Ooo, ooo life, spinning like a wheel
Ooo, ooo life, and the pain is real
Ooo, ooo life, all I want I feel
Ooo, ooo life, and the love is real

It won’t be long, before the twilight falls
And shadows take their places all around me
But the darkest hour, comes right before the dawn
And you’ll find me holdin’ on,
Till the light comes through my window in the mornin’

Ooo, ooo life, spinning like a wheel
Ooo, ooo life, and the pain is real
Ooo, ooo life, all I want I feel
Ooo, ooo life, and the love is real

Ooo, ooo life, Ooo, ooo life
And the love is real


from Evolutionary War, released June 23, 2017
Acoustic: Sean Watkins
Drums: Aaron Redfield
Bass, mellotron & electric guitar: Eli Thomson
Backing Vocals: Sean Watkins


all rights reserved



Ruby Force Los Angeles, California

Evolutionary War is Ruby Force's full length debute. Enlisting the collaboration of musical luminaries, Elijah Thomson (Father John Misty, Delta Spirit,), Richard Swift (The Archs, The Black Keys, The Shins), Frank Lenz (Damien Jurado,) and Sean Watkins (Nickel Creek), McLaughlin keeps good company as these creative partners inject a wealth of guts into her already soul-wrenching compositions. ... more

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