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Open The Door

from Transformation by DIV I DED

00:00 / 04:17
  • Compact Disc (CD) + Digital Album

    Original CD version

    Includes unlimited streaming of Transformation via the free Bandcamp app, plus high-quality download in MP3, FLAC and more.
    Download available in 24-bit/44.1kHz.
    ships out within 3 days
    edition of 450 

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  • DIV I DED Galaxy Bag
    Bag + Digital Album

    by Mona Ray

    Includes unlimited streaming of Born To Sleep via the free Bandcamp app, plus high-quality download in MP3, FLAC and more.
    Download available in 24-bit/44.1kHz.

    Sold Out


I walk alone through the darkness
The magic of hope and sadness
Silence walks behind me
As the womb of the future with me

I meet shiny sky
Fear no more
I was in an another dimension
Travels through time
It's like fusion

Then it started
Then it started

I didn't see shiny sky
I open the big door
This is the gate of light
I want to try more
Open the door
Open the door

I meet shiny sky
Fear no more
I was in an another dimension
Travels through time
It's like fusion

Then it started
Then it started

And when the night is cold
I still stand alone
In the middle of the night
All crows are laughing at me
All crows are laughing at me
In the middle of the night
All crows are laughing at me
In the middle of the night
All crows are laughing

An Illusion is beautiful
The truth is painful
She wake up again
She open the door
She is flying into the distance
Open more

I meet shiny sky
Fear no more
I was in an another dimension
Travels through time
It's like fusion


from Transformation, released April 12, 2017
Music: Filip Helštýn
Lyrics: Veronika Janošková, Vojtěch Cigler

Line up:
Filip Helštýn: Guitars, 8-Bit Synth, Bass Guitar, Drum Machines
Vojtěch Cigler: Speaking
Veronika Janošková: Vocals


all rights reserved



DIV I DED Prague, Czechia

DIV I DED is a diverse/dreampop band hailing from the Czech Republic. The band began making music in 2013 and released their debut Born to Sleep in 2014. Their music is a combination of lo-fi pop, touches of early girl groups and blended with a huge amount of shoegaze fuzz and walls of sound. ... more

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