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The silhouette of your cigarette
Makes you feel blue
But you don't smoke
And I don't know
What else to do

I'm not the same as I was
When we met
You are what I've already decided to forget
Oh, don't tell me when you leave
That the party is dead

You said, "Please don't go,
"And leave me alone."
And I thought I let you down
But you're not my fault
And I don't need to talk
To know you were wrong

I'm not the same as I was
When we met
Remember all those nights
You convinced me you knew best?
Oh, I'm not the only one you loved
'Til the sun was red
Oh, don't tell me when you leave
That the party is dead

Oh, I'm not the same as I was
When we met
I've since stopped hiding all my secrets under my bed
There are so many things
I could tell you all over again
Oh, but don't tell me when you leave
That the party is dead
Oh, just because you leave
Doesn't mean that the party is dead


from We All Need To Go Places EP, released February 17, 2017


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Shealeigh Chicago, Illinois

23-year-old singer/songwriter

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