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February 18th

from Interim by Villager

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You were my treasure,
But fools gold's your pleasure
The crucible that's in your soul
Will melt the hearts that fill you whole

I've felt the scepter
Of cruel passion better
Than anyone you've ever loved

If you nap on shallow shores
Then you will wake to high tides
Now I don't think I recognize
Corroded teeth
And tortured eyes

It seems like you're not crying anymore
Destructions me, distractions yours

You said that things would get brighter
Then you set the oceans on fire

Now if you nap on shallow shores
Then you will wake to high tides

I hate you, I hate you
I hate you, I hate you

I slipped up
Over the years
Maybe cus your tears were on the floor
But who cares now
I'm lying down

I look back and I laugh
At how the paint of your room is on my shirt
Yeah that was our love
A dirty stain

"It's what we had in the beginning. It's how you were acting then, but I just feel like you don't want that, you don't wanna act like that. That's not you, and you're gonna be forcing it if you do. I feel like these things, they show up in our relationship and it's happened and it's shown up lot. Do you feel like we can work through these?"


from Interim, released February 18, 2017


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Villager San Francisco, California

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