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from Miki Fiki by Miki Fiki

00:00 / 03:52
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All in all she’s misty-eyed
Thundering through a great divide
Buzz words filling up her eyes

Too smart ain’t hard to irritate
Quick wit but nothing good to say
Try to be a Misses Hemingway

I wonder what it’s like to be nice, and I’ve been wondering that since ’95
If society takes it’s toll, where does all the good money go?
My songs never made a difference, I funnel bullshit into my existence
Her thoughts flow like faucets on, not a drip drip but a waterfall

I got everyone around me, she’s a biscuit and loneliness surrounds thee
she’s authorized and I’m mesmerized, she’s got glasses on and everybody’s closed their eyes


(Verse 2)
I wonder what it’s like to live in the world she’s created, it’s a given
Everybody else has a limit, she’s got no bounds to her own cognition
But nobody is hearing you, everything you think is number 1 they’ve made it 2
We all know she swam in Walden, head of ideas mouth does no talking

I know she read every Genius, every backstory to explain talk-singing
and all she took was author’s titles, never did more than emulate her idols


(Verse 3)
Every reason that I had to go was the same as the people I used to know
Looked around and they believed it, smart slash mean is more convenient
Her bread and butter is Hunter S. Thompson, she knows it all and she quotes it often
It doesn’t matter who when where or why, she’s leveled up, man, reclassified

What’s the difference if you read well, if you sleep in a mansion or a motel
She believes her life deserves a witness, smart slash mean well whats the difference?
Smart slash mean well whats the difference?

(Chorus x2)


from Miki Fiki, released March 3, 2017


all rights reserved



Miki Fiki Nashville, Tennessee

full of mirth.


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