Released on Asian Man & Dog Knights Productions 2016
Black and White Vinyl
Includes unlimited streaming of OKAY
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Punk is dead and all your friends will be soon singlehandedly ousted by the signal boosted youth set to destroy they spewed their venom into our home and won't let go even when they know the truth (well now we know)
They built you up just to tear you down
They divided us
They only think of you when their suppose to
They only think of you when their told to.
This is a witch hunt and now you're part of it get dead pick a side in the narrow lens Lick the wound with your tongue tell the Internet what you've done. Make it hurt and remove the sickness from the few.
Who'd you cite?
What's the source?
Show me proof.
Who brainwashed you?
supported by 40 fans who also own “Wasted On Hate”
The purposeful song-writing that makes each song cascade into the other as part of an identifiable statement; The powerful yet melodic composition; The artwork so in tune with the album's motif. All in all, the band really showed the evolution of their craft making this a perfect follow-up to "Home..." pauleno
The Cleveland band temper uncompromising metalcore breakdowns with infectious jangle-pop melodies and ample dark humor.
Bandcamp... New & Notable Dec 1, 2021