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Nick of Time

from Uncanny Valley by Stabscotch

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00:00 / 05:53
  • [ET-17] Stabscotch - Uncanny Valley Cassette
    Cassette + Digital Album

    Edition of 40 homemade tapes, dubbed at real-time.

    Includes unlimited streaming of Uncanny Valley via the free Bandcamp app, plus high-quality download in MP3, FLAC and more.
    Download available in 16-bit/44.1kHz.

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  • Streaming + Download

    Includes unlimited streaming via the free Bandcamp app, plus high-quality download in MP3, FLAC and more.
    Purchasable with gift card
    Download available in 16-bit/44.1kHz.

      $1 USD  or more



my spine is tingling ive only got one shot so when i ask they only say x x x
tricycle spinning what do u mean right now its like the pictures bout to foam x x x
jiminys creeping the rooms cooking one pot but thats no bueno if u see x x x
tigers in cities i think they know somehow to me the face looks right to be x x x
dry heats of sober fallacies fuck in out i cant be sorry when i feel x x x
10 9 8 u ta da

witches dont see me as u seem to believe death wont leave u in pieces i urge u dont blink as i fall into a happy catastrophe so please try and chase me im past it wheres after i aint just plastered im on my own bad rapture until i freeze but i aint chosen im just as scared until the teeny dots spell out and they tell me take it take it

damn until the windows flip the floor buttering down the slope to be mesmerized by a flow with such dizzying timbres dont u know its a disaster pssst goes the wind gripping teeth on my bones i think my names something going like x x x i bother to pretend in my magic gymnastics if im not careful they might say x x x
sunk deep by phantoms that cut up the stone i cant help that im buried in their home what is a god to the men under his feet i know he sleeps in the space that i live its all so vivid if u come out to play i slip through the nick of time



by all means dont wait for me my desire to remain has defeated my dream i was unharmed but for no such sake to them its only good when ur sleeping with apes i beat their own game cuz my cause affects rapidly when double taking see all the chasing speaks out my eyes deja vu panic spinning world in sight no surprise im finding or is it creeping on me guess nothings over but how could i forget as i sit and think of all the lather and roving and
damn im getting cuts on my toes but it wont kill me right if im right in time hell with fast breathing im just surfing the flow i wont return to petty heckles and sleeping moths to the flame only burned when cornered without the worlds face they breath x x x
strings and whispers they slash like rain someone else is on the edge of town i dont know home but when i come ill let u know
i live through FOREVER


foul checkered floors paved the road before i knew to stray painted blisters bleed across my face without a story ive come to know the joke of a wicked mistress



from Uncanny Valley, released January 13, 2017


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