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Strong Woman (Remix)

by Raiza Biza Feat. REMI

00:00 / 03:13
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To coincide with the women marches that occurred on a global scale recently, New Zealand and Australian Hip Hop link up for the remix of Raiza Biza’s “Strong Woman”.

The original version is taken from Raiza Biza’s “Day & Night” EP who reached out to REMI for a verse as they pay homage to the women in their lives with this lyrically charming remix produced by Villette.

“The importance of women, especially the older women in our families that have raised and nurtured us, has always been a very warm light to me. Like REMI said in his verse, they give us food for our souls. And even though we appreciate them and hold them dear, we don't often tell them what they mean to us. This track is a small attempt to make up for that.” – Raiza Biza.


released January 26, 2017


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Raiza Biza Hamilton, New Zealand

As part of the African-New Zealand diaspora, Raiza Biza emerged as a notable figure and a young leader within his community, with his music reflecting his own developing and evolving outlook on life. As such, Raiza Biza’s music has always carried weight and soulful messages, backed by insatiably engaging production and arrangements. ... more

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