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00:00 / 02:39


Always arriving to find, that you don’t leave my mind.
You’re a one of a kind.
The kind that makes me want to cry, until I die.
I just want to fucking feel like I’m alive.

I’m allowed to, I’m allowed to, I’m allowed to feel like I am nothing.
I’m allowed to, I’m allowed to, I’m allowed to feel like I am nothing new.

Is it true?
I don’t know, that’s why I’m here asking you.

To feel, like I’m real, just to feel like this was ever fucking real.

Don’t take me seriously. I became deliriously such a shame. Mysteriously, I’m so lame.


from You Are A Nice Surprise, released December 16, 2016


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Out of Breath Records California

A record label started from a sunny bedroom in California collecting music for rainy days.

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