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from Water by Chalk

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Amongst the ferns and oaks
The saplings we had hoped
Would grow so tall had roped
Themselves to the branches we broke
On the fires that we stoked
The kindling turned to smoke
He had a plan he spoke
The water slid down our throats
Cast his eyes on the littered ground
Curled his lips made approval sounds
I don't know how to slow things down
Now we're moving out of town

Ooo-ahh, ooo-ahh
(Stage exit frequent buyers
Your exit sign is red
You're spending all your nice time
Underneath the cold black bridge)

A half-baked, back-burned project
You just don't have the time
A lonely piece of garbage
Floats on down the waste pipeline
Turned your back to the whole prospect
You can't fulfill your plans
The streets are filled with garbage
And you're no garbage man
False from your garbage hands
Let's all do the garbage dance

If you won't help me
Then who will?
My heart's a lake
You're my oil spill
We got a problem
Our time won't kill
When it's too fake
It becomes so real
You're my oil spill
You're my oil spill


from Water, released October 22, 2016


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Chalk Minneapolis, Minnesota

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