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Y Ddawns

from Ffrwydrad Tawel by Ani Glass

00:00 / 04:44
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Out 21.04.17 | Mas 21.04.17 via www.recordiauneb.com



cof, diffyg, salwch, ffisig, ma’ ffiniau’r ffatri dan bwysau mawr, ma’n nhw lawr. sŵn tywyllwch yn furiau cul, a phob un ar eu gliniau, ar fin y wawr mae’r haul yn machlud. dyna beth yw bywyd nawr. // cer i ddianc i’r ddawns, paid aros i mi, a côr y ffatri yn canu ein cân yn ôl, i gael dianc i’r ddawns dan don o hapusrwydd, wel dyma ni, ti a fi. // wyt ti’n gaeth i’r teimlad? wyt ti’n glwm i’th ffawd? wyt ti’n ofn y dyfodol? dyna beth yw bywyd nawr. cof y diffyg yn gan a chlir, mwmian yr injan yn dal i dynnu lawr, tynnu lawr, // cer i ddianc i’r ddawns, paid aros i mi, a côr y ffatri yn canu ein cân yn ôl, i gael dianc i’r ddawns dan don o hapusrwydd, wel dyma ni, ti a fi.


steel rhythm, measured movements, the pipes of the music factories are down, oh they’re down. clear, metallic, sound of thought, everything is crystalline, and over there, the sun is setting. this is how I’m living now. // the machine and the dance, they’re waiting for me, the music factory is playing our song again, the machine and the dance in cages of happiness, so this we be, you and me. // do you know the feeling? do you fear the sound? do you hear it coming? that’s how I’m living now. heart beating up a storm, hum of the engine starts to bring you down, bring you down. // the machine and the dance, they’re waiting for me, the music factory is playing our song again, the machine and the dance in cages of happiness, so this we be, you and me.


from Ffrwydrad Tawel, released April 21, 2017
Written by Ani Saunders | Ysgrifennwyd gan Ani Saunders
Produced by W H Dyfodol | Cynhyrchwyd gan W H Dyfodol
Artwork by Ani Saunders | Gwaith Celf gan Ani Saunders


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Ani Glass Cardiff, UK

Ani Glass is the persona of Cardiff-based electronic pop musician, producer and artist, Ani Saunders. Glass sings in her native languages Welsh and Cornish and in March 2020 released her self-produced debut album ‘Mirores’. As well as receiving glowing reviews, the album was also awarded Welsh Album of the Year and shortlisted for the Welsh Music Prize. ... more

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