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Tanbou pé ké janmè lwen avec Alex Deaz et Dominik Coco

from deEPly rooted by Meemee Nelzy

00:00 / 04:49


Tanbou pé ké janmè lwen deals with west Indians parents who give the last advices to their son before upcoming departure to Paris.

Grab the jazz album from saxophonist Alex Deaz on iTunes


from deEPly rooted, released May 5, 2016
Lyrics & Lead: Meemee Nelzy & Dominik Coco
Background vocal: Meemee Nelzy
Music: Yoann Danier
Saxophone: Alex Deaz
Bass: Sunny Adroit
Keys: Guillaume Ramaye
Drums and percussions: Yoann Danier


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Meemee Nelzy Guadeloupe

Born in Paris, France and a native of the French West Indies, Meemee Nelzy has been infatuated with black and caribbean music since her childhood.
In 2009, she self-produced and publicly presented her first album entitled "Âme Nouvelle"(that means New Soul). She sings (in french and creole) about love, human relationships and struggles in life.
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