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Ride On (feat. Ted Wendler)

from Tourists from the Future by Ryan Lofty

00:00 / 03:30
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These days I close my eyes and drift away in the backseat
As the wheels roll over pavement on the highways under me
It's like the traffic is my blood and all these highways are my veins
And the roads are slowly bleeding like a heart that is in pain

And I ride on...

Trees along the highways planted in unnatural lines
Seem like they are moving backwards as our car goes flying by
Houses on the roadside stand alone with peeling paint
As the whole world waves goodbye like a friend who couldn't stay

And I ride on...


from Tourists from the Future, released March 10, 2016
Produced by Ryan Lofty
Written and performed by Ryan Lofty and Ted Wendler
Background vocals by Bianca Minniti
Background vocal engineering by Rachael Findlen
Mastering by Ben Lindell, EMW Music Group


all rights reserved



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