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The Earth Spoke AoF/PO.10.CEE

by Art of Flying/PO.10.CEE

00:00 / 05:26


Art of Flying PO.10.CEE collaboration! Recorded at Studio (C) Taos, NM


released September 1, 2015
PO.10.CEE: Rhymes (Cody, AJ, Doc, Ekym, Branson, Michael B.)
Art of Flying: Sounds
Anne Speroni: Bass, vox
dCO: guitars, keyboards, loops, vox
Kevyn Gilbert: lead guitar
Max Moulton: drums
Joel Ricci: Trumpets
Natalie Carlton: synth

Recorded at Studio (C) Taos, NM by Max Moulton & dCO.
Mixed at Studio (C) Taos, NM by Max, dCO, & Kevyn.

Mastered by Max @ GIZMO, taos, nm.

littleheart littledove/small gift (ASCAP) 2015


all rights reserved



Art Of Flying Taos

“Atmospheric, voraciously eclectic, momentarily Floydian … & thoroughly brilliant”
“...lo-fi soundscapes …a deftly prolific knack for poetic songwriting meets gorgeous musicianship.” —
"...hazy & beautiful, content to balance contradictions: critics calling them at first "clear & bright" & then in the next sentence, "creaky & weird;" "the best-kept secret in American music of the new century."
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