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Downtown Coffee

from Mykil Love by Mike Palladino

supported by
Hailey Nuthals
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Hailey Nuthals Saw this live today for CMJ 2015 and it was sick. I loved ML's energy performing, and the sound is the sort of bedroom rock that everyone needs in their life to feel happy.
00:00 / 02:39


Breaking down is an easy habit
It's getting hard not to care
Invest my life into the stock market
Straight from your computer chair

My heart is like the parking in Queens
Lucky if you got a spot
Never really as bad as it seems
But you'd prefer a vacant lot

Dial my number
When you are around
We'll get a coffee
At that old place downtown

Sitting waiting for the phone to ring
Banking on my good luck
If you say no I still have to sing
But mind you that coffee's a buck


from Mykil Love, track released September 14, 2015


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Mike Palladino Syosset, New York

Music written and sung by Michael Palladino.

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