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O prazer de ser asceta

from Tropical Nightmare by Tropical Nightmare

00:00 / 03:59
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O prazer de ser asceta
é mentira superficial.
Estupido codigo moral

Não que eu vá viver
o mesmo mundo que voce,
(mas) não nasci para sofrer.

Acontecem que despejam,
toda vez na minha agua:
sangue de barata.

The pleasure of being ascetic

The pleasure of being ascetic
is a superficial lie.
Stupid moral code.

It doesn't mean that I will live
the same world as you
(but) I was not born to suffer.

What happens is that they spill
every time, on my water:
cockroach blood.


from Tropical Nightmare, released December 5, 2014


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punk London


Tropical Nightmare London, UK

Brazilian noise punk from London.

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