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Wake Up

from Swirled World by Church of Betty

00:00 / 04:04
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Follow your dreams through time, unless your dreams are bad like mine. I guess dreams can be good or bad. You know the best dream I ever had was with you sleeping in my bed. Wake up and smell the sun. I feel warmth lighting up my face. Believe in power of the day. No dream can steal your strength away, no way. Dreams are fulfilled awake. Follow your dreams through time, unless your dreams are bad like mine. I guess dreams can be good or bad. You know the best dream I ever had was with you sleeping in my bed. Wake up and smell the sun. I feel warmth lighting up my face. Believe in power of the day. No dream can steal your strength away, no way. Dreams are fulfilled awake. Follow your dreams through time, unless your dreams are bad like mine. I guess dreams can be good or bad. You know the best dream I ever had was with you sleeping in my bed.


from Swirled World, released March 14, 2015
Chris Rael (voice, 12-string, sitar, bass, autoharp), Brian Geltner (drums), Chris Cochrane (guitar), Claire de Brunner (bassoon), Rima Fand (violin, voice), Pinky Weitzman (viola), Otto Hauser (percussion), Marlon Cherry (voice, percussion) & Vlada Tomova (voice). Produced by Kenny Siegal, mixed by Tyler Wood, mastered by Fred Kevorkian.


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Church of Betty Brooklyn, New York

New York City's long running progressive world chamber rock ensemble performs innovative pop with rock band, sitar, bassoon, string orchestra and a chorus of soaring voices. "Brilliant" - Billboard "Irresistible" - New York Times

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