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from Reverie by Century Thief

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Pillar is the second single from the album Reverie.


Look at the people outside
They're beautiful
They're all the things I'd like to be

Always hiding from the wild
We're kind of pitiful
I would like to cross but quietly

All these loves to reconcile
I'm under control
But it feels as though no one lies next to me

Well, we should look at how we frame it
But I don't care, I just wish to escape it
And you didn't notice when I was getting home

And all these things we build just to break them
And all these lives we fake just to take them
And you didn't care, we were on our own

Take a look at your unpredictability
And now you don't look twice at me
Tell me who is your pillar?
Because now you are no longer family

Well, we should look at how we frame it
But I don't care, I just wish to escape it
And you didn't notice when I was getting home

And all these things we build just to break them
And all these lives we fake just to take them
And you didn't care, we were on our own.


from Reverie, track released August 17, 2015
Kathryn Kearns- Vocals, Guitar, Flute
Omar Shabbar- Guitar, Bass, Backup Vocals
Mike Legere- Piano, Backup Vocals
Adam Reid- Trumpet
Steve La- Cello, Backup Vocals
Greg Francis- Drums

Co-Produced, Engineered and Recorded by Matthew Drost at Site Sound Studio in Toronto.


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Century Thief Toronto, Ontario

Trash Lounge Folk Prog Rock featuring three principal songwriters. A blend of introspection and energy, sometimes soft, sometimes noisy experimental indie rock featuring brass, woodwinds, keys, guitars, bass, drums and multi-layered vocal harmonies.

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