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Cottage Bride (2015 ELECTRO)

from Cottage Bride EP by ELMS

00:00 / 03:52


I can smell the cancer on the wind.
I can taste the fear
through three-story bay windows.
I can hear the quiet, shush, shush, shush,
of bare feet on carpet
through the humming of summer.

And you never speak its name,
but you can't forget that face.
Are these the screws that will be put to me?
And no one knows we're here,
no we never leave a trace.
And are these the maps that will set me free?

Is this you and me against the world?
Is this you and me against ourselves?
Are these bedposts gates to hell?

And we never speak its name,
but I can't forget its face.
Are these the screws that have been put to me?
And no one knows I'm here,
no I never left a trace.
And are these the lines that will set me free?


from Cottage Bride EP, released July 1, 2015


all rights reserved



ELMS Peterborough, Ontario

Songs by Alex Unger, based out of Peterborough, Ontario, Canada.

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