All of the epic positive energy and intricate writing we've come to know from a great composer. Here's looking forward to more solo stuff. Bonus on having 'face like a brickie voice of an angel' Steve Durose collaborating
Favorite track: Operate (demo).
supported by 220 fans who also own “Operate (demo)”
Generally speaking I like anything Mike Vennart is a part of. I don't listen to this as often as the Vennart albums, but I still recommend it to Oceansize fans. berobbi
supported by 219 fans who also own “Operate (demo)”
And life goes on, as Mike & Richard continue to carry OCEANSIZE's spirit on. Can't avoid the reference on a brilliant past! But, here is something fresh and still alive. Magnificent tunes dress this debut! Long Live British Theatre fataldiz
supported by 183 fans who also own “Operate (demo)”
I remember in my childhood near a village there was a place full of dead trees, red and dead from all the chemicals that were dumped into the nearby bay from the chemical plant. That's exactly the vibes I get from this effort, similar in story or not. Morbid! But hopefully a wake up call for some as well. Aleksei Tepljakov
In songs that swing from giant and anthemic to distortion-caked and widescreen, Lightning Cult conjure galaxies of sound. Bandcamp New &... Notable Jun 18, 2022