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Always August

by Osaka

00:00 / 02:58
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If I could lay my bones out on the beach
next to you I think I'd be alright
And even if the shore looks the same on the other side
I think I'd still like to try

I wish it was always August
and you were always down the street
I wish it was always August
and we could learn to float downstream

And all the makeshift batteries I'd build
to keep the light above your head in place
And if they burn out, I'll burn them down
just so you can have something that stays

I wish it was always August
and you were always down the street
I wish it was always August
and we could learn to float downstream
I wish it was always August
and you were always down the street
I wish it was always August
and I could learn to just stay clean


released January 29, 2015


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Osaka New Brunswick, New Jersey

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