Screams of hate, madness and despair added to a hellish atmosphere. Each song takes you to the same sodom and gomorrah. Without a doubt apocalyptic metal Ernesto Roquett
An album that I heard all too late, but one that has massively shaped my recent music taste, and with the bands split, it has opened me up to two amazing bands in the last year. Big fan of all of Patriakh's work, and Batushka aswell, but this is still the best album of the bunch, where it all started! kaw1392
Gloriously unrelenting, the new black metal masterpiece from Moray uses slashing riffs and searing vocals to tell an unsettling story. Bandcamp... New & Notable Aug 5, 2023
An extraordinary musical journey. The Ruins of Beverast is one of those Artists you shouldn’t miss in your collection. Exuvia is an atmospheric and hypnotizing masterpiece. Sinister blackened doom. This will haunt you forever. Sælzer Bub