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L'Oreal (Got Gum?)

from Raking The Wind by Body Cheetah

00:00 / 04:33
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You're slinging rubber bands
off your braces.
When you flip your hair it smells
like Chanel in the hallways
I'm still trying not to breathe,
but I can't breathe with you around me
Could keep my head above water
but that would be hard
when you're so near to me

I got gum, you want some?
Heres my number.
Ask me about missionary,
I'm a good a closer.

Kiss me
it's obvious I need your attention.

If I could meet your soul at Applebee's
I'd tell it it deserves more than me.

You're swinging your bracelet wrists
around my neck
When you flip your hair it smells like L'Oreal
in the movies.
And I'm still trying not to breathe,
but I can't believe you're near me.
And I'm still chewing your ABC's
I feel like your dictionary.

I'm so in Love.


from Raking The Wind, released October 25, 2014


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