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  • Record/Vinyl + Digital Album

    Mitski 'Bury Me At Makeout Creek' on Black Vinyl LP

    Includes unlimited streaming of Bury Me At Makeout Creek via the free Bandcamp app, plus high-quality download in MP3, FLAC and more.
    Download available in 16-bit/44.1kHz.
    ships out within 5 days
    Purchasable with gift card

      $24.99 USD or more 


  • Streaming + Download

    Includes unlimited streaming via the free Bandcamp app, plus high-quality download in MP3, FLAC and more.
    Purchasable with gift card
    Download available in 16-bit/44.1kHz.

      $1 USD  or more



there's a party and we're all going
and we're all growing up
somebody's driving and he will be drinking
and no one's going back
'cause we've tried hungry and we've tried full and
nothing seems enough
so tonight, tonight,
the boys are gonna go for
more more more

and I want a love that falls as fast
as a body from the balcony, and
I want a kiss like my heart is hitting the ground
I'm holding my breath with a baseball bat
though I don't know what I'm waiting for,
I am not gonna be what my daddy wants me to be

smell that, it's wet grass, and smoke in my hair
I think I've had enough
but he wants a finale and I came prepared
and we're not going back
and I've tried sharing and I've tried caring
and I've tried putting out
but the boys boys boys keep coming on for
more more more
and change change change is gonna come, but
when when when?


from Bury Me At Makeout Creek, released November 11, 2014


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