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from New Year by Lazyeyes

00:00 / 02:58
  • Limited Edition Cassette
    Cassette + Digital Album

    WIENER RECORDS will be releasing a limited quantity of 100 copies of the New Year EP on cassette. Get them before they sell out!

    Artwork by Shaun Durkan

    Includes unlimited streaming of New Year via the free Bandcamp app, plus high-quality download in MP3, FLAC and more.
    Download available in 16-bit/44.1kHz.

    Sold Out


Verse 1:
Get me closer to that door,
Where we don’t know where it goes at all
But you know I’m not like that at all,
No you know I’m not like that anymore

Chorus 1:
It takes you back to your better days
It takes you back to your old ways

Verse 2:
Get me closer to the edge
Where I could feel some warmth and rest
But you know I’m not like that at all,
No you know I won’t try that anymore

Chorus 2:
It takes you back to your better days
It takes you back to your old ways


from New Year, released January 6, 2015
Lazyeyes sophmore EP New Year
released 6 January 2015
Drums recorded at Smoke and Mirrors Studio by Chris Pace
Everything else produced, mixed by Erik G at various studios.
Mastered by Alex Saltz (APS Mastering)

BAND CONTACT: Lazyeyesbk@gmail.com
Booking: Brianna@flowerbooking.com


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Lazyeyes Brooklyn, New York

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