supported by 19 fans who also own “"Porcelain Waves"”
Awesome guitar driven post-rock, except that it exudes an overwhelming calmness that sets it apart from the countless other guitar driven post-rock bands and albums out there.
I have listened to this album over 40 times since I bought it a few months ago and it is musical zen.
It is centreing and calming and just a superb album. Just buy it and support these amazing sounds!! Cassiopiea
supported by 18 fans who also own “"Porcelain Waves"”
This EP is a genuine small treasure. So much positive energy, powerful melodies and quality production – Degree of Arc maintain their very high standards and confirm their considerable talent. Michael Reilly
supported by 17 fans who also own “"Porcelain Waves"”
One of the most perfect albums I’ve ever heard. These guys are straight-up flawless. Their music both comforts and utterly exhilarates me.
Thank you for this gift, Astralia. Jeremy Wingert
Three decades in, Mogwai's "The Bad Fire" rekindles their post-rock roots with emotional depth and sonic precision. Bandcamp Album of the Day...Jan 30, 2025
supported by 17 fans who also own “"Porcelain Waves"”
From start to finish this is a sonic journey of power, intrigue, rest, and wonder. Never pause at any point because this music deserves full attention. <3 Sudaksis