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Like the Sun

by Programm

00:00 / 05:09
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I might be lost
but I know the way
Your face is long
from what I can see
The darkhorse rides
on a sea of white
We're diving into a bed of lust
We're diving in
Just like the sun, I can feel it all
Just like the sun
We've reached a way
to a better time
I can see it all
on a sea of white
If I shut my eyes, for a while
We're diving into a bed of lust
We're diving in
Just like the sun
I can feel it all
Just like the sun
We're heavy now, as you fall behind
We're fading soon
wrapped all in white
The darkhorse rides, on a sea of white
We're diving into a bed of lust
We're diving in
Just like the sun
I can feel it all
Just like the sun
We're diving into a bed of lust
We're diving in
Just like the sun
I can feel it all
Just like the sun


released January 27, 2015
Written by Jackie Game
Music by Programm
Produced by Jacob Soma and Alexandre Bonenfant
engineering by Jacob Soma, Dave Plowman and Alexandre Bonenfant
Mixed by Clint Gibbs
Recorded at Megafone Studios & Dreamhouse Studios
Label: The Hand


all rights reserved



Programm Toronto, Ontario

Programm formed in 2009 from the encounters of love at first sight, and obsession at first listen, in and around Toronto and consists of: Jackie Game (vocals, bass, guitar, programming), Jacob Soma (vocals, bass, guitar, drums, programming, keyboards), Mark Game (keyboards, programming, guitar), and Andrew Reesor (drums). ... more

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