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Not Up to Me

from In Flames by Kandle

00:00 / 04:49
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Stuck in the old ways, I can see that you’re afraid but who are you trying to please

Weakness behind your eyes, find it hard to sympathize when you’re everything I wanted to be

I won’t stand to see you fall, I know you most of all and in this dark you’ll never see

But it’s not up to me, you can drown alone, as if you were thrown

And deny you’re alive

But if you get swept up with the tied, you still haven’t died and for now I’ll stay

Right by your side

Is it really worth this, claiming you are worthless, who are you trying to be

Remember when your mood was fine, now your joy’s become a crime, all your pain won’t seem to leave

But it’s not up to me, you can drown alone, as if you were thrown

And deny you’re alive

But if you get swept up with the tied, you still haven’t died and for now I’ll stay

Right by your side

You claim that I’m never there, that I’m always unaware as I try to bring you back where you can breathe

But it’s not up to me, you can drown alone, as if you were thrown

And deny you’re alive

But if you get swept up with the tied, you still haven’t died and for now I’ll stay

Right by your side


from In Flames, released March 4, 2014
Kandle Osborne - vocals/ rhythm guitar
Sam Goldberg Jr - lead guitar/ bass
Josh Tager - drums
Jason Kent- piano/backup vocals
Louise Burns- backup vocals


all rights reserved



Kandle Montreal, Québec

Weaving a thrum of trip-hop downbeats, brilliant, gut wrenching lyrics, and her signature, sultry, haunting vocals, Kandle is back! She knows too well the darkness we all face, and with these songs she reaches out to all those who wish to be understood but feel they aren’t. Kandle can weave this magic so powerfully because she feels it too, she is out here in the darkness with us. ... more


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