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Shady Lane (Pavement cover)

by Cull

00:00 / 04:51


A long cover of a great song by an excellent band.

Originally performed by Pavement. Performed here by Chumpy Ly.


Blind date with a chancer, we had oysters and dry lancers
And the cheque when it arrived we went dutch, dutch, dutch
A redder shade of neck on a whiter shade of trash
And this emory board is giving me a rash

I'm flat out, you're so beautiful to look at when you cry
Freeze, don't move
You've been chosen as an extra in the movie adaptation
Of the sequel to your life

A shady lane, everybody wants one
A shady lane, everybody needs one
Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God, oh my God
Oh my God, oh your God, oh his God, over God

It's everybody's God, it's everybody's God
It's everybody's God, it's everybody's God
The worlds collide but all that we want is a shady

A shady lane, everybody wants one
A shady lane, everybody needs one
Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God, oh my God
Oh my God, oh your God, oh his God, over God

It's everybody's God, it's everybody's God
It's everybody's God, it's everybody's God
The worlds collide but all that I want is a shady


released June 20, 2014
Shady Lane; Written by Stephen Malkmus.

Rearranged, produced and performed by Chumpy Ly.

Recorded by Chumpy Ly under a loft bed in Dulwich Hill, 2014
Artwork: www.chumpyly.com

Always in loving memory of Nguyễn Hà Thȃm, 1927 - 2012




Cull Sydney, Australia

Sad as noise by Chumpy

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