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Lost Something

by Michael Rault

00:00 / 02:26


Produced by Renny Wilson and Michael Rault, Engineered by Renny Wilson at Riverdale Recorders. All instruments by Michael Rault and Renny Wilson (except drums by Peter Hendrickson). Mixed by Gus Van Go and Werner F. Mastered by Bryan Martin at Sonosphere. Cover Design by Michael Rault, Photo by Emily Rault.


released May 17, 2014


all rights reserved



Michael Rault Montreal, Québec

Michael Rault is an evocative Canadian born and Los Angeles based songsmith. His new self titled album is out on Wick Records (A Daptone subsidiary) on June 10, 2022. Rault has become a regular in the underground of America’s West Coast, and also found a second home as a member of the reformed line up of the legendary 1970’s Zambian Rock band WITCH. ... more

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