Open your eyes and exalt--Exalt! in this fragile world, in this knowing flesh, in this very moment. We have forsaken the delusions of Comprehension as we are born into the certainty of the Sensual. We are the stone that starts the avalanche. We are the cough that spreads the plague. We are the spark that lights the inferno. Relinquish those wretched controls of knowledge and experience, those conditions which hinder Desire's progress. Cut away esoteric corruption and seek unfettered fulfillment. In defiance of the sages. In defiance of the intelligentsia. Useless philosophy, theory, and poetry must be heaped upon the cairn. See them consumed in Action--sweet, reckless Action. Join our sad tears and dance on the blackened bones of gods. Beyond the shadow of the citadel, there is no such thing as time, there is no such thing as negation. There is only this tangible, perceptible world. There is only this moment, this very moment.
I'd first heard of Bell Witch when they were set to open with Aerial Ruin for Pallbearer back in 2022. Seeing them live at the Rain City Doom Fest was an *experience*. While I've never really been one to actively listen to Funeral Doom, I found myself losing myself in the music. Mirror Reaper evokes the memories of being at that show. caffeinatedmetalhead
A fantastic debut showing from Baltimore metal band Born of Plagues, uniting post-metal's expansive textures with sludge's almighty muck. Ba...ndcamp New & Notable May 19, 2021
Five veterans bashing out their own new version of post-hardcore; world-weary perspective, fresh, urgent, crackling with feeling. Bandcamp... New & Notable Jun 13, 2017
Screams of hate, madness and despair added to a hellish atmosphere. Each song takes you to the same sodom and gomorrah. Without a doubt apocalyptic metal Ernesto Roquett