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Carry Me Home (Live w/ The Electric String Orchestra)

by Stanley Odd

00:00 / 04:08
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Recorded Live at The Queen's Hall, 2nd August 2013 with The Electric String Orchestra.


It’s that Handsome Tramp, I weave a spangled dance
As I sift through the wreckage of the aftermath
I woke up to an abandoned camp, a bunch of random bams
And thought ‘I’ll just have to disband the band’
When will I, will I be sober?
I can’t answer that
I’m at an all time low
I hate being a wide-o
And people think seem I’m always taking the Michael
I’ve no idea where my time goes and I’m in no hurry to find out
I need some time out. Up for too long to climb down
‘Cause right now the band are calling me Davie Winehouse
The Comatose Kid
Pass me over some shit that I can overdose with
I’m already half cut hoping no-one’s noticed
Salvation held in my enclosed fist to avoid thoughts I won’t be left alone with

Carry me home

I descend into the scotch mist
Fueled on cough syrup, I’m a machine with no off switch
But let those who cast the first stone be innocent
Ma sentence is this endless loop that I’m imprisoned in
I’m Sysiphus, the bottle is my boulder
Another drink with the devil walking on my shoulder
I’m an unsteadily disassembling man
Through each raised glass with ma trembling hands
Making deep friends
That fade after the weekend
Exposed and worthless; a broken circuit
Fractured, damaged goods with no master plan
Trying to heal the break with this plastered cast
Living a triple life of work, band and my wife
Plus I sit at night with a pen, a pad and I write
Going insane, I draw an escape, a door on a page
As I’m going away one thought explodes in my brain

Carry me home

Brain cells fade like an unfinished symphony
I find that head injuries make the best similies
I’m fast diminishing my anonymity
Through random infamy, nimbly I deconstruct the mimickery
The thinly veiled self-loathing I assimilate
Means my most vociferous supporter’s got it in for me
And all that equates to a loud mouth drunk
Less classy than Class A. The last flashing synapse fades
Amid the mashed state of a trashed brain
Which translates to last place in this rat race
The grey matter heats up as I try and think
Aches at the back of my skull til I’m supplied with drink
I got ma carry out, had a lock in
Now I’m being carried out. Please somebody stop this
(I can’t breathe. I can’t fucking breathe)

Carry Me Home


released December 24, 2013
Both the gig and this live recording were mixed by Graeme Steel


all rights reserved



Stanley Odd Scotland, UK

Stanley Odd is an alternative hip-hop group based in Scotland.

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