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earth walker

from unreleased by the northern drones

00:00 / 05:16
  • Streaming + Download

    Purchasable with gift card
    Download available in 16-bit/44.1kHz.



original track recorded live
remixed with bw guitar overdub
19th nov 2013 dublin ireland


Free Download: The Northern Drones – ‘Earth Walker’
November 28, 2013

The Northern Drones hail from Dublin and don’t put too much information up online – not that there’s anything wrong with that; well, they don’t put much truthful information up. Their Facebook page lists their members as ‘few, aye’, their general manager is ‘howard wilkinson’ and their influences are ‘benson and hedges’. The Northern Drones uploaded a new track to their Bandcamp page this week, ‘Earth Walker’, which is a slowly evolving shoegazey saga. I think there are vocals but they’re buried so down in the mix that you’d need a plunger to even begin to strain to hear what they’re saying. ‘Earth Walker’, a song title which I love, is taken “from unreleased, released 21 February 2037” (info is from Bandcamp, may not be truthful). You can download the five-minute-plus track for free at said Bandcamp page.
from unreleased, releases February 21, 2037


from unreleased, releases February 21, 2037
track written by
original lomography
by maria weber


all rights reserved



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