After the critically acclaimed release of The City Under The City, L'Orange & Stik Figa return with a "Billie Holiday" remix of the song Before Midnight, featuring Rapsody and Castle. Soaked in classic reverb and dusty melodies, the remix sets the tone somewhere in between elation and melancholy.
"Live from the dark side, car rides at night time
Waves of blackness is like victims at ill apartheid
Who open graves, in the midst of zombies who aint died?
Going through life like hands tied we aint vampires
Got to see the light like a starry night round the campfire"
from The City Under The City,
track released October 30, 2013
produced by L'Orange
vocals by Stik Figa, Rapsody, Castle
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Braver Heart Music. Trust the soul Music. Trip over a rock and bust your head music but get back up and brush yourself off music. Galactic Fear me Music. Step over that to get to that music. Jumping over my life to get to my next life music. Visually Visual Very well contained music. jumpoveryourodds