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Water - The Jepettos ft. Alana Henderson & GO WOLF's Scott Jamison

by The Jepettos

00:00 / 04:05
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WATCH THE VIDEO HERE: tinyurl.com/p7wvq8n

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The Jepettos on TWITTER: tinyurl.com/p9x7rko
The Jepettos on instagram: instagram.com/jepettogirl instagram.com/jepettosboy

Alana Henderson on FACEBOOK: tinyurl.com/qhaalyr
Go Wolf on FACEBOOK: tinyurl.com/nnmmmu2

We have until now called this project 'Collab'. Alana and Scott have released some of the catchiest and thoughtful songs in Belfast and we wanted to work with them!
We spent three evenings together in our living room developing the structure and instrumentation for this. We asked Scott to come along and provide some beats- thinking he'd provide some synth beats but it turns out be plays drums pretty well and showed up with part of a kit instead! He still manages to squeeze some synth in too though. Scott has written a few songs that we sing around the house and we had to be extra careful not to embarrass ourselves by singing them in his presence!

We asked Alana to get involved after Ruth met her at a BBC Masterclass and had a listen to her amazing single 'Wax and Wane' (alanahenderson.bandcamp.com/tr...). Our intention all along was to gradually remove the guitar from the song and replace it with cello. This was key to helping us find a really sparse and raw sound, hopefully distinctive from our previous work.

This song is about the moment in a relationship where the arguments have died out, the emotion has run dry and both parties come to a moment of temporary stability. Sometimes, this moment lasts just long enough to decide that separation is for the best. Water, here, is a metaphor for the need to cleanse the pain of breakup in order to do what is best for the person you still love.

This was recorded in the home of Paul Elliot by Matt Rutherfoord-Jones (mattjonesni.com/category/film/) and...  more


I spent a long time crying over you.
And does it always feel this way?
I loved you with my heart and soul,
I loved you with my hardened hardened soul.

The way I heard you breathing I knew I should soon be leaving you for the final time.

And who are we kidding?
And who are we kidding?

Because we couldn't strike a deal our fate was sealed our fate was sealed

I spent a long time walking over you.
And does it always hurt his way?
I loved you with my heart and soul,
I loved you with my hardened hardened soul.

The way I heard you breathing I knew I should soon be leaving you for the other side.

Don't be scared we need it the water the water.
Don't get hurt I feel this the water the water.


released August 8, 2013


all rights reserved



The Jepettos Belfast, UK

"Their first single ‘Goldrush’ is a swooning dream like ditty, peppered with lucid lyrics and twin vocals so sweet and heart warming, it’s like pouring a cup of hot chocolate directly into your ear.”
Phil Taggart, BBC Across The Line

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