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Like In Movies

from Bananafish by Franny & Zooey

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Straining, pulling you closer
our eyes meet but you're kinda scared, dear
nervous, nervously waiting
my mouth opens but i can barely speak

Losing, I'm losing this battle.
Your friends are saying that I'm no good for you.
Drifting, I feel that you're drifting

Like in movies i'm running after someone else
like a book with a bad ending
like a kiss hanging loose in the middle of nowhere

You're turning your back on me
and your words like balloons over my head
and if you don't care then I don't care
it's just a casual meeting between us two

Like in movies i'm running after someone else
like a book with a bad ending
like a kiss hanging loose in the middle of nowhere


from Bananafish, track released June 19, 2013
Lyrics & Composition: Victoria Linares and Juan Julio Peña
Drums: Guillermo Sang
Guitars: Juan Julio Peña, Josué García
Bass: Juan Julio Peña
Voice: Victoria Linares
Backup Vocals: Juan Julio Peña
Recorded, mixed and mastered at JDS Studios
January 2013


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Franny & Zooey Dominican Republic

Franny & Zooey is the name behind Juan Julio Peña and Victoria Linares, two buddies that were introduced at a a punk show in Dominican Republic. Years later, in the sizzling summer of 2012 they decided to make some demos for two weeks straight, giving birth to Bananafish (released on Dufflecoat Records in 2013).

The band is heavily influenced by 60’s girl groups and 80’s indiepop.
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