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Citizen Pain

from Citizen Pain Ep by Thot

00:00 / 04:02
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The more you breed, the less you dream,
The more you fake, the less you create,
The sooner you want it, the harder you get it,
The faster you drive, the higher you're gonna dive.
The time you spend, to forget about the end,
The smile you save, in front of your mistakes,
Your power of buying is nothing but lying,
The power of lying, is nothing but pretending.
I saw towers, eaten by the clouds,
I saw bridges, running out from the flood,
I saw shadows, eaten by the fool,
I saw buildings, waiting for the bloom.
I saw my path, coming from the south, the door back to the north,
has been cut and paste,
I'm waiting for her, I couldn't find my way, people in there,
hold so dark secrets.

Let me show you how we can slow down the collapse of the world,
through the days that come. Let me show you, Let me choke you!

I can't explain, all my fury, my fucking shame, I'm not sorry, it's not enough!
Nothing but the void, into my belly, a red vertigo, I'm deep into fear,
I'm not sorry!


from Citizen Pain Ep, track released May 27, 2013
Arranged, perfomed and & recorded by Grégoire Fray.
Additionnal drums programming by Gil Chevigné.
Addtionnal piano performance by Hugues Peeters.
Bass perfomed by Julien Forthomme.
Mixed by Charles de Schutter at Rec'n'Roll Studio (goo.gl/mjQlh).


all rights reserved



Thot Brussel

A band existing in constant flux, THOT thrive in the tumultuous melting pot of modern life and ‘Delta’, their first long form release since 2017’s breathtaking ‘FLEUVE’, is an even more ambitious musical melting pot of the people, places, spaces and times that have helped define the band to date. ... more


  • May 24
    London, UK

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