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White Flag

from Hippopotamus by The Pizza Thieves

00:00 / 04:20


I’ll surrender, if you’ll surrender, we’ll meet each other half way.
I found a lover, I know I love her, sometimes I have a hard time saving face.

Remember when you called me Hitler and I told you I don’t shave that way?
Take off your lipstick, cause it don’t mean shit, I like your lips to be bare anyway.

Now this body’s a mausoleum hiding the place where a man used to be.
Gotten to the point where I would rather be six feet under than here in my seat.

Nobody’s perfect under the surface, maybe I’ve been thinking too much when I should just sing.
And they’ll say: What’s all the commotion? Showing your emotion? Maybe that brain of yours has finally sprung a leak.

But I’ll surrender, if you’ll surrender, we’ll meet each other half way.

Melodramatic, stupid antics, my eyes look like I’ve been dead for three days.
I found a lover, I know I love her, sometimes I deserve a swift punch in the face.

Being nihilistic feels so intrinsic; I had it mastered by the age of eight.
Got pocket aces, managed to waste it, overplayed my hand with my staunch poker face.

Why am I always so fucking tired? And why can’t I get up today?
I bought some cookies to keep from crying, they’re Double Stuf and I’m stuffing my face.

And I’ll surrender, if you’ll surrender, we’ll meet each other half way.


from Hippopotamus, released October 25, 2011


all rights reserved



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