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West Coast Slide

from Mavericks by Work Drugs

00:00 / 04:04
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no one wants to live forever
without love
on the west coast slide

skipping class like it's over
and the skirt begs why
little birds on your shoulder
but the ink ain't dry
23 is a number that brings me back
young enough to remember a prom night flask

substitute the curves of your body
for the stories and pain that divide me
substitute your name on the blank sheet
for moment where principals are fought

why you wanna run forever?
shattered love
in your hands tonight
no one wants to live forever
without love
on the west coast slide

teachers know that lessons are sealed in blood
tenured love is a prison, just to tie us up
when the chance is a drug that makes us whole
hit the breaks and let our hands grown

why you wanna run forever?
shattered love
in your hands tonight
no one wants to live forever
without love
on the west coast slide

why you wanna run forever?

your school charm is keeping me from leaving
I'll lose your number in the back of a Lincoln

why you wanna run?

on the west coast slide


from Mavericks, released June 18, 2013


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Work Drugs Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Philadelphia's premier Bat Mitzvah and Quincenera party band. For booking / legal / general love notes contact WORKDRUGS AT GMAIL

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