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from New Age by Zomblaze

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Genre: Glitch-hop, Electronica, Downtempo
CatNum: CHI041

We are kindly initiating Zomblaze' current wisdom in music production, before twistedly reaching back in time to the second volume of Machinstruments.

The present material is holding on to moderate pace, and shares the common glitch-hop ground with his previous works. Only these tracks are more laid back, with less harsh stimulus on the nerves. The kick-off theme is RKs’ original version of ’Breathe Deep’, that inspired a remix take, and is an extension of the cover artwork, also by the hands of RK. 'Stratosphere' gives the rock-bottom here, the other sounds are just gathering around it reflectively, unveiling a different musical perception of Zomblaze. 'New Age' has a gently improving, and cleverly shifting pulsation, that leads you through the whole EP unawarely, so much that you don't stop, until listening it all at once.


Master: Gabor Banhazi
Cover: RK


from New Age, released February 21, 2013


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Chi Recordings Los Angeles, California

Chi Recordings was brought to life in 2001 to bring down barriers in genres of electronic music. The label became a hideout where resonation is not silenced of the mainstream.
Chi's goal is to entertain, and somehow make an impact on the taste of the supporting fans, through 60+ vibrating releases of remarkable Hungarian producers, and some of the worldwide bigshots.
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