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Rip Off of a Better Song

from Either Or by San Marina

00:00 / 04:22
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Don't want to sound empty,
But everything I feel isn't there-
It's gone,
Somewhere I'm unsure of,
But I don't care-
There's nothing,
To be happy for,
I'm just a glare from the endless light that's cast upon the ground

Don't want to look dead,
But where else can I lay besides this grave?
I guess,
I could take a walk or catch a train,
To where,
My feet won't burn and solace is even in pain
But does such a place even exist?

Don't want to sound angry,
But everything I do ends up free
Looks like,
I'm not good enough to be released,
Or even,
Given the chance to relocated this stream of thought,
That rests inside of my brain

Don't want to grow old,
Cause what's the point in staying around,
And seeing,
Everyone I know enter the ground?
Please bury me first cause I don't want to hear the sound,
Of crying,
Coming from all of my hopeless friends

Don't want to be me,
A boring, lonely excuse of a man who can't,
Make up a decision or make a plan
Why don't,
I drop out of school,
And join a clan of people,
All balanced on a beam?


from Either Or, released December 21, 2012
Written by Church
Lyrics by Ryan Brownrigg


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San Marina Toronto, Ontario

Photo cred:
Laura-Lynn Petrick

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