Ridiculously infectious, instant urge to dance, rock. You're going to listen to Fan The Flames anyway, so make sure to listen to Travelin On too. John Evelyn
A slow drip of Tropicália-infused psychedelia from New Orleans rock outfit Blue Basin: balmy one moment, aggressive the next. Bandcamp... New & Notable Apr 22, 2022
Even-keeled, country-fried rock n' roll with a touch of barfly balladry courtesy of an Australian six-piece on the rise. Bandcamp New & Notable...Nov 17, 2024
If Wooden Shjips traded their sails for a prairie schooner, this is what you might hear them playing around the campfire at night on the Great Plains: homespun country-rock with a hint of psychedelia. Wonderful stuff, from start to finish. neu-mann