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Vermin $upreme

from Butter The Children by Butter The Children

00:00 / 02:51
  • Compact Disc (CD) + Digital Album

    Comes with some candid photos. Really nice and slick looking!

    1) Robyn Byrd
    2) Earthbound
    3) Flesh Wound In Ithaca
    4) Vermin $upreme
    5) Prognosis Negative
    6) Rochelle Rochelle
    7) Lupus

    Includes unlimited streaming of Butter The Children via the free Bandcamp app, plus high-quality download in MP3, FLAC and more.
    Download available in 24-bit/48kHz.
    ships out within 3 days
    edition of 60 
    Purchasable with gift card

      $7 USD or more 



A friendly fascist
He says all the right things
Stentorian voice that speaks to the huddled masses
Salivation across the nation
Subliminal words of wisdom from common vermin

Something tells me you're all infected
I shudder to think what's to be expected

Patrol the mindscape
Your soul in rebates
A patriotic ode to our moral decay
Corrosive forces will lie and cheat you
Who else but a martyr to liberate you

Something tells me you're all infected
I shudder to think what's to be expected
A wanton savior to save us all
And soon we'll be gargling Barbasol
And if we all die he'll stand corrected


from Butter The Children, released May 16, 2012


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Butter The Children New York, New York

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