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i don't know much more than your name
but every goodbye leaves a want to remain
now if i'm anywhere you're not i'm in pain
rachelle i don't know you well it's hard to explain

please tell me if i'm over the line
i'm not seeing clearly the reason i'm blind
my heads in the clouds whenever you're on my mind
rachelle, i'm under your spell all the time

you're just like a diamond cut from the mine
under the surface, waiting to shine
so beautiful, and so hard to find
rachelle, i'm under your spell all the time

i'm under your spell


from the range of light wilderness, released June 24, 2014
drums / vocals - jessi campell
bass / gtr / shaker - nick aives
gtr / vocals / song - tommy mcdonald
recorded by jason lader


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the range of light wilderness California

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